Business/Group In-kind Donations

> Donation Drives (short/long term) at your Veterinary office, Business, clubs, Churches, Birthday Party event

> Come to us instead of the Fitness gym,to help with moving pet food and other items!

(Great Teamwork & Relationship building experiences!)
> Cant lift?  - need inventory volunteers.
> Leadership Volunteers

> Gift Certificates for oil changes/repairs or gasoline cards  for vehicle

> Gift Cards/Certificates for Walmart-Sam's Club, Costco, Staples

> Donated storage space from 5 x 5 on up.

>Furniture (not Beds) and other Household items

Individual In-kind Donations

General Need Pet Food:
     + If opened and resealed, this will go to non-profit agencies immediately.

     + Sealed from Manufacturer are used for disaster and special projects.

     +High Quality pet food  (goes to Service animals &  people with mobility challenges.)

    +Veterinary Food goes to rescues to help senior, ill, injured or disabled animals

>Plastic food crates (like milk crates use)

>Zip lock Bags, quart or gallon with zipper

Disaster Services & Veterans: 

(besides pet food)  

 > Leashes, Collars, harnesses, muzzles, toys, beds, kitty litter, pans and towers, travel crates/wire cages
(All Species / Pet items)

> Grooming products (used/new) Shampoos, conditioners, brushes, nail/hair clippers, etc

 Veterinary/First Aid items:

> Specialty food, eye/ear/foot, vitamins, health products.

> Wet & Veterinary specialty pet food (goes to 501c3 Rescues for special need sick, injured, disabled and senior animals instead of euthanasia.)