Our Story: the song "Climb every Mountain" leads the way for our hearts:


2010 – August: 4 Women with $40 and 40 pounds of dog food decided to make a difference to pets and families. giving  $3,000 of service through dog and cat food. 

We learned that our model of doing business was not very effective - opening the back of cars to help people out with pet food in the community, asking clients already struggling and volunteers to travel  long distance to us for help.

The needs seemed overwhelming and endless.

So we partnered with Coalitions such as

  • Arizona Veterans Stand Down
  • Hopefest- in Phoenix with 25,000 clients
  • United Way's Project Connect

and other Agencies across Arizona,

to coax people in crisis, reluctant to ask help for themselves, to come get pet food,  then cross the isle to get human aid to get back to stability - and REALLY help their pets long term!

For example: in  2015, we gave Arizona $766,988 of pet food and items in 11 counties  INCLUDING:
> $5,000 for pet food and emergency supplies to Round Valley Rescue for Cedar Creek Fire, in Springerville.
> 10,000 pounds given to Yarnell  fire victims over 6 months.
> 25,000 pounds of pet food/items given to our Veterans and
> 18,000 pounds of high quality food given to owners with service dogs or
 with mobility problems.
YOUR  pet food/items and cash donations!

2013, we decided to change our approach.  We realized that if the human owner didn't get help,  all we would be doing was contributing to the problem. 

The problem? This was not our agency mission!

We also found that disasters took all forms!      If one lost their job, home or had a catastrophic illness~ that is as devastating as if the home burned down or a community flooded.