Traditional Disasters occur in  three stages.

1. The first is the early stages when chaos reigns and Emergency Management is figuring out what needs doing. Our effort goes into having the local relationships in place with our work within Empty Bowl Pets, and are working to pre-deploy supplies in critical areas

2. The second stage is the FEMA/State and local official response. At this point the Animal Medical Response Corp swings into action at the direction and as an official part of the emergency response teamwork to back the local responders efforts.

3.  When the event is over and the Emergency Responders go home, many times the community is still struggling to put life back together.   At that time Animals in Disaster MRC, returns to Animals in Disaster, Empty Bowl Pets, (501c3) to continue to help the community to find its new norm.

Going Somewhere? 

> Across town, on Vacation, or Business trip?

>  Just want to get out, air out the brain for a bit ?

> Willing to take the backroads or do you just refer to have the rescue meet you off the free way so they don't have to travel so far?

> Have an empty trunk, truck bed. or a back seat?   Help us  (or your animal based non-profit). get some much needed supplies and/or take an animal or two, where they are needed:  to the vet, a new rescue or even a new furever home!

 Please join our  new partner Doobert and us to help animals and rescues with just a little extra effort

Volunteer with Millennials/Gen 9-11:

Volunteer Baby Boomers/Gen-Xers:

It was a shock to realize, that to work for the animals in disaster, we had to be ready to work with the people who owned them,

As we learned from Hurricane Katrina, many will not leave their beloved pets. Ironically, we also learned that people who would not prepare for themselves, WOULD prepare for their pets.

 So for 2016, we have specifically formed the Maricopa Citizens Corp Council as directed by FEMA to address a gap identified with special needs groups and their decisions to shelter in place or evacuate.

  • Functionally disabled people with service dogs,
  • Veterans,
  • Senior citizens,
  • Chronically ill or dying,
  • Children with special needs and more not  frequently thought of....

65% of Households have at least 1 pet, according to the 2015-16  APPANational Pet Owners  Survey.

Volunteer for  All ages:

​​​Group/Team Volunteers:

Looking for an activity to help your family, group, or business volunteers to bond or develop team building skills for?  We have several  for you to chose from, or we can design one.


Volunteer Your Way!    Call 602-909-7153     

If traditional volunteer opportunities don't appeal to you, let's design one for you together

What brings you joy?                                                                             What feeds your passion?

 The more formal methods of the County, State and FEMA emergency response requires a skilled approach, especially in guiding the transition into a community’s new level of daily living in these difficult times. Arizona Animal Medical Response Corp. #2473, operates out of the Arizona State Health Department in accordance with directions laid out by FEMA's National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS is intended to be used by the whole community in times of formal disaster response.

 We helped Yarnell in Yavapai, after that community fire that destroyed 25% of their buildings, for 6 months with over $10,000 of pet food and items and have responded from single family home/apartment fires when pets are involved to community wildfires and floods.

People can chose three disaster levels to volunteer/assist with.

1. In-kind donations and resources are always needed and can be done from your church business or contacts such as doctors, veterinarians or other groups, without even joining officially.

2. People can offer their resources or in kind skills with-in their own county. We always are looking for veterinary or rescue skills, or a temporary shelter from a kennel operations, licencsed drivers, people to move pet food or other items.

3. Volunteers who wish to become official FEMA volunteers and help beyond their county, must take special classes at IS 100 and IS 700. 

Then join us at

Personnel at the following levels of responsibility in emergency management operations – first-line supervisor , mid-level management and command and general staff (Operations/Planning/Logistics/Finance-Admin .*are required to take more advanced classes.